1. Met Introduction
  2. 2 Current step Applications
  3. 3 Broad occupational category
  4. 4 TEER category
  5. 5 Practice quiz I
  6. 6 Step one - Complete

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The NOC provides a standardized language for describing the work performed by Canadians. It is used at all stages of the process from defining and collecting data, to managing informational databases, to analyzing labour market trends and extracting practical career planning information.

By providing a standard way of organizing occupational information, the NOC also supports a variety of career information resources published by the Government of Canada and others. For example, information on occupational outlooks, the national Job Bank listing of jobs available across Canada, and dynamic labour market information are all organized according to the structure of the NOC.

Data collection

The hierarchical coding structure of the NOC is used in the collection of occupational information. For example, economists and statisticians use the NOC to guide the collection and compilation of data. The Government of Canada uses it for the analysis of occupational data collected from the Census, Labour Force Survey, and other surveys.

The NOC is also used for a variety of special surveys with respect to labour mobility, technological change, administrative data, and other indicators of labour market activity. In addition, provincial governments and private survey companies use the NOC to ensure that the information they collect will be directly comparable to data they get from other sources.

Labour market analysis

Labour market researchers use the NOC to understand the underpinnings of the statistics they use, and more importantly, to interpret them correctly. The NOC provides the context for the interpretation of statistical information. These users analyze the Canadian labour market to understand emerging trends, to guide policy decisions, and to develop systems for training, recruiting, and job matching. National, regional, and local labour market information can be accessed by visiting Job Bank.

Labour market analyses include work done within the government to set policy and improve labour market efficiency. For example, all levels of government use this type of analysis to allocate spending for labour market programs, to manage systems for matching jobs with workers who have the required skills, and for immigration selection procedures.

Career planning and job seeking

Career developers, counsellors, and students use the NOC and related resources, such as the Occupational and Skills Information System, for career planning and exploration purposes. An understanding of occupational definitions, employment requirements, and opportunities is central to the goal of matching the interests and aptitudes of individuals to the requirements and opportunities associated with occupations.

Job seekers, employment counsellors, and employers rely on the NOC to make effective use of labour market information services provided by the government, organizations, and stakeholders. Job Bank offers a free and bilingual job website and job matching service which provides timely and relevant labour market information on employment opportunities across Canada and allows employers to post available job opportunities and job seekers to search for jobs.

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