Changes to the Skills and Competencies Taxonomy

SCT 2022 updates

Summary of changes

A feature of the revision process for the 2022 version is that it was produced in light of the Occupational and Skills Information System (OaSIS). This exercise allowed the descriptors to be contextualized to actual occupational profiles. As a result, changes were made at all levels of the Taxonomy's structure, within categories, sub-categories and descriptors.

Changes to the categories

The Personal Abilities and Attributes category was split into two. In the 2019 version of the Taxonomy, descriptors associated with Personal Attributes were categorized in the Personal Qualities subcategory. In the 2022 version, the Abilities category contains only descriptors identified as abilities and Personal Attributes now have their own category and subcategories. Although the number of descriptors was large enough to assign a separate category, the main reason for this split was to avoid confusion. Note that some descriptors were added to this category.

The Tools and Technology category was temporarily removed from the Taxonomy since the development of the interactive database is underway.


The sub-categories of the Knowledge category have been completely redesigned. In the 2019 version of the Taxonomy, this category contained 11 sub-categories and 46 descriptors, which were categorized according to fields of study. This classification had the consequence of translating the concept of "knowledge" as well as the definitions into an academic sense. However, the descriptors did not take into account all knowledge acquired outside of the academic world, such as through employment, volunteer work, or other settings. As part of the 2022 revision of the Taxonomy, the Knowledge section was reworded in its entirety so that the concept of "knowledge" would be broad enough to capture both academic and technically related knowledge and expertise. As a result of these changes, the 2022 version of the Taxonomy now has 10 sub-categories and 46 descriptors that were completely redefined.

The headings of the sub-categories of the Work Activities category were renamed to be more representative of their respective sub-categories, and the content of the Service/Care Supply sub-category was either eliminated or reassigned to other sub-categories. The headings were replaced as follows:

2019 2022
Information Input Information-Oriented Activities
Work Output Physically-Oriented Activities
Mental Processess Mental Process-Oriented Activities
Interacting wih Others People-Oriented Activities
Service/Care Provision N/A

In the 2019 version of the Taxonomy, the Value at Work subcategory, under the Work Context category, had a note indicating that it was under revision. For the 2022 version, this subcategory was temporarily removed from the Taxonomy since the revision is still in progress and some of the descriptors in it conflict with descriptors in other categories.

The Canadian Inventory of Work-Related Interests sub-category under the Domain of Interest category was also removed. An analysis, in light of the organizations that use it, is underway to assess whether or not it should be included in a future version of the Taxonomy.

Changes to the descriptors

A considerable number of headings and descriptor definitions were modified to be more precise, to better reflect the meaning of the concept and to correspond to the evolution of the Canadian labour market. Also, some descriptors were moved from sub-categories to increase the homogeneity of the sections while others were removed or combined with other descriptors.

Below is a table representing the number of descriptors per category in the 2019 and 2022 versions.

Taxonomy 2019 Category Taxonomy 2022
47 Skills 43
85 Personal Abilities and Attributes -
- Abilities 56
- Personal Attributes 32
46 Knowledge 46
11 Interests 6
84 Work Context 73
66 Work Activities 58
Undetermined Tools and Technologies Undetermined
339 Total 314
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