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Dental hygienists

OaSIS code 32111.01

Ental hygienists provide dental hygiene treatment and services related to oral health promotion and disease and mouth injury prevention.


Also known as

  • Community dental hygienist
  • Dental hygienist
  • Orthodontic hygienist
  • Registered dental hygienist

Main duties

This group performs some or all of the following duties:

  • Conduct patient screening and oral health assessments, including taking vital signs and documenting patient medical and health history
  • Take dental impressions
  • Take and develop X-rays
  • Perform preventative dental procedures such as teeth cleaning, scaling, gum stimulation and fluoride and sealant applications
  • Provide oral care instructions such as oral hygiene procedures, strategies to maintain and improve oral health and on the impact of nutrition on oral health
  • Consult with dentists on patient care
  • May perform restorative and orthodontic procedures under the direction of a dentist
  • May supervise dental assistants in their health care functions
  • May participate in community- or school-based oral health initiatives such as oral screening.

Additional information

No data has been provided for this section.

Similar occupations classified elsewhere


  • Dentists (31110)
  • Denturists (32110)
  • Dental technologists and technicians (32112)
  • Dental assistants and dental laboratory assistants (33100)

NOC hierarchy breakdown

NOC version

NOC 2021 Version 1.0

Broad occupational category

3 – Health occupations


2 – Occupations usually require a college diploma or apprenticeship training of two or more years; or supervisory occupations

Major group

32 – Technical occupations in health

Sub-major group

321 – Technical occupations in health (except practitioners of natural healing)

Minor group

3211 – Technical occupations in dental health care

Unit group

32111 – Dental hygienists and dental therapists

Occupational profile

32111.01 – Dental hygienists

Work characteristics

Work characteristics gathers the various components describing the work environment of each occupation, such as employers, work activities, and the work context. Each category displays up to 10 descriptors in descending order based, firstly, on their attributed ratings by the level of complexity (for Work Activities) or other measurement dimensions (for Work Context), and secondly, in alphabetical order. The whole list of descriptors and their ratings can be expanded at the bottom of each page.

Work Activities

Proficiency or complexity level
Assisting and Caring for Others
5 - Highest Level
Applying New Knowledge
4 - High Level
Performing for or Working Directly with the Public
4 - High Level
Clerical Activities
3 - Moderate Level
Communicating with Persons Outside Organization
3 - Moderate Level

Work Context

Structural Job Characteristics

Structured versus Unstructured Work
Degree of freedom to determine tasks and priorities
3 - Moderate amount of freedom
Work Week Duration
Worked hours in a typical week
2 - Between 35 to 40 hours

Physical Work Environment

Physical Proximity
Physical distance from others
5 - Physically touching or very close

Physical Demands

4 - More than half the time
3 - About half the time
Bending or Twisting the Body
3 - About half the time

Interpersonal Relations

Contact with Others
5 - Every day, almost continuously
5 - All the time, or almost all the time
Work with Work Group or Team
5 - Extremely important
5 - Every day, almost continuously


  • Clinics
  • Dentists' offices
  • Educational institutions
  • Government agencies
  • Hospitals
  • Private industry

Skills and abilities

This section displays the various competencies required for an occupation. Each category displays up to 10 descriptors in descending order based, firstly, on their attributed ratings by the level of proficiency (for Skills and Abilities) or importance (for Personal Attributes) and secondly, in alphabetical order. The whole list of descriptors and their ratings can be expanded at the bottom of each page.


Proficiency or complexity level
Finger Dexterity
5 - Highest Level
Arm-Hand Steadiness
4 - High Level
Near Vision
4 - High Level
Colour Perception
3 - Moderate Level
Control of Settings
3 - Moderate Level


Proficiency or complexity level
Critical Thinking
3 - Moderate Level
Equipment and Tool Selection
3 - Moderate Level
3 - Moderate Level
Learning and Teaching Strategies
3 - Moderate Level
Oral Communication: Active Listening
3 - Moderate Level

Personal Attributes

Attention to Detail
5 - Extremely important
Concern for Others
5 - Extremely important
4 - Highly important
4 - Highly important
4 - Highly important